Hi, welcome to Exquisite Cross Stitch and Craft.


I’ve always loved to cross stitch and find it extremely relaxing. My mind may be swirling with things that need to be done, or things that have happened during the day, but once I sit down to cross stitch I’m in my happy place.

You may notice that I have many items in my store from Denmark. That is because my parents were from Denmark so I grew up with all things Danish. For a small country, they produce many quality items - Lego, Royal Copenhagen, Georg Jensen, Pandora, Ecco shoes, and the list goes on. Their cross stitch kits and fabric also have this high level of quality and are beautiful to work with. Danish Flower Thread was created specifically for designs made by the artists for the Danish Handcraft Guild and is still produced in Denmark today. Permin produces their gorgeous fabrics mostly in Denmark and Sweden and are used in many of Nora Corbett’s designs. Eva Rosenstand - Clara Wæver can trace its origin back to the late 1800s. They produce very detailed, classic kits which have a stunning end result. And O Oehlenschlägers Eft have been around for 140 years and produce both traditional and modern designs using either DMC thread or Danish Flower Thread.

One of my aims in starting a small business was the ability to give back. I can proudly say donations have been made to The Smith Family to help with the education of children who need it most. It is because of my wonderful customers that these donations are possible. I would like to continue supporting children’s charities and will use Exquisite Cross Stitch to achieve this. Thank you!

If you would like more information on the products I carry, please call or send a message. I’m always very happy to hear from you! Maryann

Me in my happy place with my lovely Lily!

Me in my happy place with my lovely Lily in the background!